Thursday, December 18, 2014


How Full Is Your Bucket? For Kids 

What a great book!
Students listened to and watched this book being read on YouTube. 

After the book, we talked about bucket fillers and bucket dippers. I used this chart that I found and saved on my Pinterest page.
We ended our lesson with an activity where two students held little tin buckets. One represented Bucket Fillers and the other represented Bucket Dippers. I printed examples of both types of behaviors that I found on Pinterest and students sorted each into the correct bucket.

September is Attendance Awareness Month!


This website has awesome resources for attendance awareness. I share one of their handouts with parents when meeting about excessive absences. Click on the link above, scroll down to click on the "Families and Parents" tab, and click on "Parent Handout" to access the one I share. Then roam around the site and discover all the tips and facts about poor attendance. Very interesting!

When Life Gives You Lemons...

We had so much fun introducing ourselves to new students and reminding everyone else who we are and what we do! 
We started the lesson with a cute video showing babies eating lemons for the first time.  

Then, we talked about how the babies probably thought the lemons tasted sour. We could tell by the faces they were making!

This lead into a discussion about how sometimes in life we experience things that seem "sour," some more so than others. Students gave examples of "lemons" in life (both at home and at school) and helped us determine if the lemon was a one lemon or two lemon kind of problem.  Each time an example was given, a student had to hold those lemons. Eventually, the lemons began to fall to the floor which sparked a discussion about how we are not meant to hold onto the lemons. As students gave suggestions for who we can talk to about life's lemons, classmates began to take lemons from the student. Of course, their school counselors were listed as someone to talk to!

We ended our lesson with a funny video of all their teachers eating lemons. (I would have posted the video, but I didn't want to create any lemons for myself!) Ha! Ha!