Making friends is so important in the elementary years! Even more important is learning how to keep the friends we make. During this lesson, we talked about reflecting on ourselves to determine if we are being the friend we are looking for in others.
Both started with the cutest song ever by Jack Johnson.
For 2nd grade, We read How to Lose All Your Friends by: Nancy Carlson. It helped introduce some behaviors that make others not want to be around us.
Then, we did an experiment called Pepper Chase.
3rd grade went right into making a list of things that make us want/not want to be friends with someone.
Then we used Cotton vs. Sandpaper
to help us understand that we want our words/actions to come across to others like cotton instead of sandpaper. We talk about why our clothes are made mostly out of cotton. We try to imagine if our clothes were made out of sandpaper. All of the students gasp when I say that, which opens the opportunity to say that other people react the same way when our words/actions are like sandpaper. Each student keeps their cotton ball as a reminder to treat others in a way that makes them want to be friends with them.
Both grades loved the book Friends to the End for Kids! Who doesn't love a good book filled with funny pictures of animals?
2nd grade's lesson ended with each class making a Friendship Survival Kit to hang in their classroom as a reference for the rest of the year.